FAQ plagprevent

We offer SAAS (Software as a Service) services.


To avoid cluttering the display, we have limited the interface to the following languages: English, French, Arabic, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese and Japanese. However, if you need the display in other languages, you can request it from us.

All languages are accepted, regardless of the complexity of their scripts. PlagPrevent is able to analyze documents containing all types of accented characters, for all languages using one of the following alphabets: Latin, Arabic, Cyrillic, Greek, and many others.

PlagPrevent is a tool designed specifically to detect similarities between digital documents. Its objective is to prevent plagiarism and counterfeiting on the internet. Using our advanced technology, we analyze texts and spot any suspicious similarities or matches between different documents.


PlagPrevent compare des extraits de textes présents dans les documents à analyser avec des pages en ligne et/ou des documents provenant de bases de données partenaires. Cette comparaison permet de détecter les similitudes potentielles entre le contenu analysé et les sources externes.

Yes, PlagPrevent has a visual comparison tool that allows you to visualize the similarities detected between the analyzed document and potential sources of plagiarism. This feature provides a clear, detailed view of similar passages, making it easier to identify potentially problematic content.

Double submission occurs when you upload a new version of an already scanned document without the previous version being considered in the scan. In this case, PlagPrevent will treat the new version as a separate document and perform a new comparison with external sources.



The re-upload feature allows users to download a new version of the same document without the old version being considered in the analysis. This can be useful if you have made changes to the document and want to rescan it while excluding the previous version from the results.

The document privatization function allows you to keep a file confidential and private. Once you enable this feature, the document will no longer be used as a comparison source for future analyses. This ensures that private content remains secure and will not be considered in plagiarism detection results.


You can submit your documents in different ways:

  • Via the PlagPrevent web interface.
  • By email: Each teacher at the university has a dedicated review email address to submit their documents.
  • Via an LMS (Learning Management System) integrated into PlagPrevent.
    Using Chrome Browser plugins specifically designed to make submission easier.
  • By download from student accounts.

We accept a variety of document formats, including: .doc, .docx, .odt, .sxw, .txt, .ppt, .pps, .xls, .xlsx, .ods, .odf, .rtf, PDF, LaTeX , .html, .htm, .sxd, .odp, PDF generated by Adobe Acrobat, PDF generated by LaTeX, as well as around twenty other more specific formats.

No, there is no limit to the number of scans you can perform. You benefit from unlimited analyzes on PlagPrevent.


Yes, the analysis sharing feature allows a teacher to share analysis results with a colleague or professional supervisor, even if they do not have a PlagPrevent account.

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